Choose Office Space Like the Pros: Key Tips for Businesses

Selecting the right office space is one of the most critical decisions a business can make. The office environment impacts everything from employee satisfaction and productivity to company culture and growth. Rushing into an office lease can saddle your business with high costs and problems down the road. Carefully evaluating all the options using the following key factors will help you find office space tailored to your business’s unique needs.


The ideal office location offers convenience and accessibility for both employees and clients. Prioritize proximity to public transportation hubs, major highways, airports, parking, restaurants, hotels, parks and other useful amenities. Employees will appreciate a location that shortens their commute and gives them the ability to run errands on breaks.

Easy access makes it simpler for clients to visit your office as needed. Vet the surrounding neighborhood as well. An office may look stellar inside, but be situated in an area with high crime, excessive noise or other problems. Research factors like safety, walkability, traffic and the neighborhood’s general reputation. While the address itself doesn’t need to be prestigious, the location should make life easier for your team and clients.


Office space represents a major investment and ongoing expense. Set a realistic budget using current finances and future projections. Take into account not just the rent per square foot but also operating expenses like property taxes, maintenance, parking fees, utilities, and required renovations. Ask about incentives that reduce upfront costs like rent abatements. Weigh the cost versus value over the entire lease term. Using office space efficiently can maximize your budget. Also build in room for growth so you don’t have to keep moving to larger offices.


Make sure to secure adequate office space with room to grow based on headcount projections and needs for meetings, equipment, etc. However, don’t overbuy on space as too much unused space wastes money. Reevaluate needs periodically and downsize if requirements change. The optimal office size balances current and future needs efficiently. For example, if based in London, find the right office space in London to rent to meet current and future team needs, but don’t overestimate and end up with unused wasted space.

Layout and Floor Plan 

Look for office layouts suited to your work structure. Open floor plans promote collaboration and transparency but can also be noisy. Private offices provide quiet spaces for focused work. Meet with employees to understand workflow and preferences. Come up with a floor plan that facilitates interactions without too many distractions. Also consider opportunities for custom branding and signage. A balanced office layout enhances productivity and satisfaction.


While functionality matters most, don’t underestimate the importance of aesthetics and ambiance. Look for offices with abundant natural light, pleasing views of the outdoors, and comfortable spaces. The overall vibe impacts company culture. Amenities like lounges, outdoor spaces, and art displays make the office more enjoyable and welcoming. Good ambiance also impresses clients and partners when they visit.


Modern amenities take convenience and productivity to the next level. High-speed internet and WiFi enable seamless work from any device or location. Well-equipped conference rooms provide spaces to meet with teams and clients. A kitchen area with free snacks and drinks is a popular perk. Onsite cafeterias and restaurants save employees time and offer convenience. Other popular amenities include fitness centers, nap pods, gaming lounges, and more. The best amenities align with your company culture and needs.


Business requirements can change rapidly. Seek out spaces that provide flexibility built into the lease terms. Shorter leases of 3-5 years allow you to pivot faster versus 10-15 year leases. Coworking spaces offer quick scaling up or down as needed. Negotiate lease terms that allow for growth or reduction of occupied space. Structuring leases and build-outs for flexibility ensures the space can evolve with your business.


All office spaces must comply with ADA accessibility, occupational safety, zoning, and legal regulations for your locality and industry. For example, some zones don’t permit offices below certain square footages or specific types of businesses. Work with commercial real estate lawyers and agents experienced in local requirements. Don’t assume a space meets all compliance just because it’s available. Non-compliance can lead to lawsuits, fines, and other headaches.

Choosing office space that checks all the boxes for your business takes time and diligence. Prioritize the factors like layout, location, and flexibility that matter most. Thorough planning and examination of options ensures your office scales, adapts, and empowers your business today and for years to come. The ideal work environment boosts productivity, innovation, and growth.