Top 9 Best Practices That Increase Employee Productivity

The most powerful resource for any company or business setup is its employees. Many business owners and entrepreneurs don’t realize the significance of resource management. Resource management is basically an MMM management i.e. Money, manpower (employees) and machines. The maximum employee productivity levels serve as a benchmark for desired performance.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, an average American spends 8.8 hours a day in the workplace. Employers pay them for these 8.8 hours but actually, the productivity is no more than that of 5hours. You as an employer or HR managers or a team leader might be responsible for this loss, because of the failure to set an ideal model for employees that seems perfectly productive.

In a real world, efficiency can never be 100%. However, we can maximize the performance of employees and ensure that their output aligns with the company’s goal. I have prepared a list of 9 simple and best practices to increase employee productivity.

Build Strong Teams:

Employees perform best as a team. Teams create a family like atmosphere. In teams, productivity of an employee is raised by exponential because of the competition and learning environment that a team provides.

Following are key attributes of a strong team:

  • Excellent chemistry
  • Strong Bonding
  • Willing to teach others
  • No difference of opinion
  • Most important, the team lead is a highly motivated individual.

Rigorous Training:

Training is directly related to productivity levels. Attending increased number of workshops, training sessions, conferences and seminar increase the confidence of employees. There is nothing more lethal than the lack of knowledge. Conduct in house training sessions on best productivity practices, product knowledge and equipment. Ensure that management at all levels of your organization receives adequate training.

Time Tables and deadlines:

Correct use of time enhances productivity. Time Management in office is always a critical issue. Set deadlines for your staff. Try to get maximum attendance. Hire staff that resides near to office and has no transport or other related issues. Be strict on punctuality and deadlines. Have a daily record of office happenings. Consider of keeping a log book at reception. Make sure that reception maintains the log book and every entry is made on time.

Introduce Bonus and incentive Plans:

A traditional and most effective way of increasing productivity is to offer raises or bonuses or provide mandatory health insurance to the employees. According to a recent survey by Genesis Associates, a U.K- based recruiting agency, about 85 percent of workers feel more motivated to do their best when an incentive is offered.

73 percent surveyed employees describe the office environment good or bad during an incentive period. Employee incentive scheme also increased a company’s overall profits by upward of 80,000 British pounds (about $123,600) per week on average. Find more at:businessnewsdaily

Give them the right equipment:

Sometimes, even the highly trained and motivated staff fails to be super productive because of the insufficient tools and outdated equipment provided to them. Today, technology dominates every other factor for productivity; a failure to update the equipment timely can dramatically decrease efficiency.

Make office a fun place:

Do you want or have you ever seen someone who wants to work at a boring place? We all want a place where there are cheers and is full of life. Don’t be too strict with your staff. Have a healthy relation with them. Happy workplaces are always more productive. If you remain bossy all the time, it will agitate your workers, which is disadvantageous for productivity.

Change lifestyle of your workers. Try to buy their loyalty. Offer them free gym subscriptions. Have indoor games in the office. Table tennis or X-BOX is a good choice. Make a separate games room where staff can relax and enjoy. Encourage short breaks, they are killers of stress. Have celebrations on success or if any milestone is achieved. Arrange office tours, trips and social gatherings.


To increase productivity, it is very important to promote employees on merit. If someone is working hard and striving for the company, he deserves to be rewarded. Managers instead promote flatterers, which creates disappointment among real hard workers. Promotion of people according to merit inspires newcomers to work more enthusiastically.

Get Rid of Motivation Killers:

There are always some unhappy fellows in any organization. They don’t work by heart themselves and also discourage their coworkers. Such people always remain unsatisfied no matter what you offer them. Try not to recruit such people even if they are highly competent because their pessimistic and negative approach causes disappointment among staff. Get rid of theses motivation killers to increase productivity.

For any business to succeed, it is very crucial that its employees are hardworking and self-motivated individuals. There is a lot more that can be done to increase employees’ productivity. These are fertilizers that reap more and more benefits for the company.