About Us

Welcome to Teens Mean Business, the online home for young entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts. Let me walk you through who we are and what we’re all about.

Our Story

In a nutshell, we firmly believe that age should never limit your potential. Our goal is to empower teens and young adults to turn their business ideas into successful ventures. We want to inspire you, provide practical advice, and give you the tools to thrive as a young founder.

This site was created by a team of experienced professionals who are passionate about helping the next generation succeed. We’ve been in your shoes and know the kinds of info and support you need to bring your concepts to life.

Through our articles, guides, and community, we cover everything about starting and running a business as a young person. You’ll learn proven strategies for marketing, product development, raising capital, budgeting, leadership, and more. It’s a one-stop shop to get you from idea to profitable company.

Bottom line, we want to empower you to turn your passion into a successful venture. You’ve got the fresh ideas and the hustle, we’ll provide the rest. Let’s redefine young entrepreneurship together!





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Susan K.

Susan K.

Chief Editor

John Andrew

John Andrew


Emma C.

Emma C.

Staff Writer

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