Ten Healthcare Startup Ideas

Technology is a great tool to change the course of medical practice to a better future. With the rising healthcare expenditure in the US, it is smart to create targeted apps that can serve a massive population. The medical sector can undergo a significant transformation in diagnosis, patient monitoring, and communication with the doctor.

A healthcare app development can benefit terminally ill, senior patients, and medical emergencies with an advanced reach. Here are ten healthcare startup ideas that you can channel to contribute with medically planned apps.

Ideas to build interactive Healthcare apps

1. Doctor Consultation Apps

A reliable consultation app can save time for patients and doctors in inaccessible locations. The real-time consultation with a healthcare professional may be the answer to a late-night medical emergency that can be resolved remotely. This can also benefit in managing appointments, tests, and lab results with easy mobile access.

Apps like Amwell and Doctors on Demand have a video consult facility for ailing patients. With the increase in high-speed internet and smartphone use, this can be a hit startup idea in the medical field.

2. Health Reminder and Tips Apps

One can segregate work and health-related reminders with a dedicated healthcare app. A busy individual will feel relieved with such an app that takes the stress away. Considering the current medical conditions, the application can be customized for effective tips for better management.

The possibilities are endless as specific apps can be designed for infants, teens, adults, and senior citizens. MyMedSchedule Plus is an app that tracks daily medication to the user.

3. Self-Test Apps

One can achieve a plethora of benefits from smartphones and a high-speed internet connection. Applications that help assess the health at home can help in early diagnosis and take preventative measures.

The visual and sensory actions of the phones are useful in creating such apps and save a person from unnecessary doctor visits. Besides, the increase in 4G and 5G connections in the market will lead to the growth of medical apps up to 21.4% by 2025.

4. Medical Records App

Medical record apps benefit doctors and patients with collaborative data. It stores the medical history, diagnosis, and can provide research material for a large population. Moreover, these apps are designed to work at high speed, helping save time for crucial diagnosis.

A doctor can make a better decision with the detailed history, hence reduce the time and cost of an individual and the system. You can learn how to get started on Big Data and use it to create such apps. There are several apps like Capzule and Healthspek for storing medical records.

5. Medical Reference and Educational Apps

Legitimate source of information in medical reference and educational applications is an excellent investment in the field. The valuable information can help sieve through massive medical applications and work for better fundamental human resources. Doctors can have reliable information at times of difficult decisions to focus better on their patients.

One such app, Visual DX, is helping doctors to diagnose using images of the patients. Moreover, this looks like ideal healthcare assistance to doctors to work globally.

6. Medical Training Apps

Practicing medicine is more than being good at academics while exhausting medical journals for information. A student pursuing medicine can highly benefit from training in surgical procedures and practical applications. With the use of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in healthcare, one can visually practice in three-dimension and learn better.

Moreover, the real-time visualization of the human body can help in an accurate diagnosis. Keep in mind that you need a patient and a proactive mind while developing these applications.

7. Health Tracking Apps (IoT devices)

Wearing tracking devices to know the health statistic of the body is the biggest trend right now. You can find your pulse, heart rate, blood pressure, and sugar levels with a tracking device. Fitbit offers several options in this area with devices that sync with mobile phones.

The accuracy of the details from wearable devices can be used for mass studies in HER system. This information is generally stored over the cloud and is accessible to the user and doctors. This is all you need to know about cloud services for your app’s commercial use. Other wearable devices include monitors, oxygen detectors, and wheelchairs.

8. Medical Translation Apps

Language can become a barrier to communication in medical emergencies. With the use of medical translation apps, this limitation of language can be nullified. The focus should be to create an app that can work around multiple languages to develop a medical understanding with an individual.

This field lacks exploration and could be the next big thing for your startup. Care to Translate works on similar translation principles keeping in mind the efficiency and privacy of the patient.

9. Pill Reminder

The prescribed medication works if taken at regular intervals without missing a dose. A pill reminder application can help in combating the general forgetfulness of a person. Besides, it can be a lifesaver for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia. This will also help to get rid of the mental pressure to remember taking pills on time.

Moreover, it can be useful to refill medications and assess any interactions in a patient. Medisafe and Life Reminder are applications that remind a person to stay on track of their pills.

10. Weight and Diet management

We all can agree on how hard it is to manage weight and assess the food that can be high in calories. One cannot memorize all the calorie counts while eating. An app that can detect the calories in food and suggest alternatives can be of immense help to weight watchers.

According to research, the global fitness market is set up for $14.7 billion in the upcoming years. This makes it an excellent area for cash and time investment. For instance, the FatSecret app is excellent for people to stay in shape and track their food intake.

Telemedicine and healthcare apps are the future to reduce the stress on infrastructure and provide custom services. A huge market is awaiting with an easy-to-use app that offers premium healthcare tips and management. The idea of medical counseling at the tap of a smartphone screen makes it easy to get the best advice even from a remote location. Such health apps can thrive with the massive demand for mobile health services.