How to get started for Big Data Analytics course

In an age where the whole world is increasingly becoming digital, Big Data is highly sought after by businesses today. While it may come as a surprise to most, Big Data as a concept existed in the 50’s where businesses captured data to grow their business and drive future decision-making.

Why is Big Data Analytics Important?

In its current day avatar, Big Data Analytics is being used for organizations to carve new business opportunities, take smart business decision and streamline workflows & processes. It has become an important medium in ensuring customer satisfaction and targeting products/services as per the demand curve. Big data is being used in numerous fields like agriculture, data mining, stock broking, healthcare and finance to name a few. The benefits of implementing Big Data Analytics are numerous – driving quality customer experience, achieving efficiency in existing processes and reducing costs.

How to build a career in Big Data Analytics

Right education

To kick-start a career in Big Data Analytics, it is important to hold an advanced degree, consider the right big data analytics course and earn technical knowledge:

  • Knowledge in relational and non-relational database systems which include Mysql, Hbase, HDFS and Teradeta
  • Develop knowledge in Linux and Bash scripting because they are used in application deployment
  • Learn about NoSQL database as it would help develop strong big data knowledge

Being the right mix

It is imperative to develop a mix of skills and knowledge in various domains for successful career in Big Data Analytics. This field requires experience in coding, knowledge in statistics to analyze future trends and understand patterns, understanding of cloud and certifications in Hadoop, Apache Spark and machine learning.

Being a part of the community

To constantly update yourself with the changing trends, latest updates and technologies in Big Data Analytics, join online and in-person big data communities.

Understanding the job industry

While you aim to build a dream career in Big Data Analytics, it is crucial to understand how the industry currently works. The top level jobs are the roles of managers, coders and engineers, scientists, specialists and statisticians.

Before making the switch

If you have spent a few years in the IT industry and are planning a switch to Big Data analytics, evaluate all factors involved and study the job market closely before venturing into this profession. If you are passionate about numbers, analysis and excel in the various certifications for developing a skillset, then this could be the profession for you.

Remember, that the right skill set, talent and aptitude for reasoning and analysis are the secret mantra for success in this field.