5 Reasons Why Sending People Handwritten Notes Rather Than Emails Makes You Stand Out

Ever since electronic mail spread like wildfire, people have taken emails for granted. They don’t get opened most of the time, and they don’t make much impact. Instead, you can send handwritten notes and even letters, which will make you stand out. So here’s why sending people handwritten notes rather than emails makes you stand out:

1. Handwritten Notes surprises people

Trust try sending handwritten letters and cards. Today, no one expects handwritten notes to drop on their postbox. If they get one, surprise follows them with a slight smile. Sending letters makes you stand out as a person or brand because no one did that.

2. It’s personal, so it matters

No matter what you write in your email will never get more personal than a simple handwritten letter that you send. You can add your font and style and pour your personality into the same letter in handwritten notes. On the other hand, emails do not have the luxury of giving a personal touch. Since you can connect to the readers with a personal touch, you stand out among others who just email.

3. It’s never the same

In electronic messages, we have the luxury of setting a standard time in which we can send our messages regularly.  Automation makes getting messages boring and predictable. However, when you send handwritten notes and letters over the post box, you never know when your readers will get their hands on your letter. It’s unpredictable, and it’s never the same.  People receive handwritten notes at a different time than before.

4. Handwritten Notes last for weeks or months

The period of email capturing your attention is just about a couple of minutes after you read them. However, handwritten letters can capture the reader’s attention for a week or more. So, if you want to stand out and catch your reader’s attention, you should try sending handwritten notes.

5. People Read Hand Written Letters

Do you know?  The average rate for Emails that get opened is only 21.5% as of 2022. With handwritten letters, you can increase that up to 85%. That is because no one leaves the note unread. So, by sending these handwritten letters, you can have more readers and stand out among people who only send emails.

People appreciate handwritten letters more than other electronic messages because they come with a price. Sending handwritten notes and letters is not as easy as sending emails over the internet.  In addition to that, you have to consider picking an address for all those receivers and write the same thing again and again with a few changes if you send it to many people. That is a hectic job to be done. And not to mention, what to write in a handwritten letter, since you would want those letters to be perfect.

So here is a list of a few things you shouldn’t miss adding to your handwritten letter:

  • Letter Stamp: Handwritten notes are rare; those authentic stamps you can attach to them are rarer.
  • A Signature: With every other detail, you can also add your signature to make it a little fancy.
  • Writing a date: Your readers should know when you have written the letter.
  • End with a closing: Give your readers a name and relation to remember. People usually notice who the sender is and read the endings. So, write your name to make them remember you.

Overall, handwritten letters make people feel special, and they take time. People appreciate it because it takes effort and special attention to create one. Since these letters take a tremendous amount of time, we can also cater to some agencies who specialize in sending handwritten notes to any part of the world to do our job.