A Guide to Filling In CMR Forms

CMR (Carriage of Merchandise by Road) or the waybill is a vital document related to international cargo transport that requires utmost patience and care while filling. CMR documents are standardized documents that are available both on paper and online using software services.

This article explores ways to fill out your CMR without any errors.

Before getting started, you must know that any CMR note contains distinct spaces known as gaps that hold vital information.

Information for Gap Numbers 1 to 5: Parties Involved

The first portion relates to information regarding the sender and receiver.

#1: This gap holds the information about the sender. With online CMR forms, you can automate the input by saving company details as default.

#2: This gap holds identifying information about the recipient, such as their name, address, and country of residence.

#3: Gap 3 contains the final cargo destination. This slot is different from Gap 2 as it shows the actual destination rather than the company’s headquarters or branch address.

#4: Here, fill in details about where the cargo was loaded.

#5: In this field of the CMR form, mention any additional documents you have attached to the form, such as invoices, spec sheets, etc.

Information for Gap Numbers 6 to 12: Goods

Gap numbers 6 to 12 get reserved for data related to the merchandise in the cargo. Using online software, you can automatically fill these fields. In the online CMR forms, perform this using a default product list. Here, you insert various information about the transported goods.

#6: Mention the features and quantities of goods.

#7: Fill the amount in pieces.

#8: This gap is for the packaging type.

#9: Write the item’s name here.

#10: This is a supplementary field that asks for the Statistical Number.

#11: This mandatory field is for the total weight.

#12: Here goes the volume of goods in meter-cube.

Information for Gap Numbers 13 to 27: Payment and Formalities

When you finish filling all the previous columns, you can fill these remaining gaps. These fields contain information about the payment, place of issue, details about the carrier, signature of the cargo company, acknowledgment of the cargo, and additional information about the merchandise.


Finally, remember the color codes of the documents: red is for the sender, blue for the consignee, green for the carrier, and black for administrative work.

Now that you have an idea about how to fill in each specific gap, go ahead and fill out CMR forms confidently!