How to Promote Your Business Using Custom Medals

Businesses need constant promotion to make potential clients aware of their existence and offerings and to cement their image in the minds of their existing customers. This is to ensure that those customers always think of that business first whenever they need whatever products it offers. As such, it will have great brand recognition, which translates to more sales. Custom medals are one of the best promotional tools, but unfortunately, many companies have no idea how they work. The beauty of custom medals is that they can be used to promote so many businesses.

So, why are custom medals beneficial in promoting business?

They stand out from your competitors’ promotional tools

Since the medals are easy to customise in design, colour, and material, among other factors, they are unique and will stand out from your rivals.

Promote goodwill among staff

One way of using custom medals to promote a business is awarding them to staff for great performance. Giving them to staff, their spouses, or children will enable them to recognize the company and have a closer and tighter bond with it.

Give a sense of value

When custom medals are awarded to winners or participants in an event, it gives them a sense of value as they take the medals with them. It may encourage them to take part in other events or put more effort to emerge the winner if there are special medals for winners.

Ways of using custom medals to promote your business

Businesses can employ custom medals to promote a business in the following ways:

As gifts in the shop

You may give custom medals away as gifts to customers as they shop for various goods. While the medals can be given without having done anything besides shopping, some shop owners or management tie the medals to an activity, for example a competition among the customers, which could use the loyalty program. This will make the medal acquisition process interesting and make those who gets them treasure them and retain them for a long time. Your business and brand will get a promotional boost if the customers who get the custom medals put them somewhere that many people will see them.

The custom medals need to be high quality and the material, design, and message must be of the best quality so that the customers will find a reason to collect them, keep them, and even do something to get them when needed.

In a sports event sponsorship

What better way to use custom medals than at sports events? Your business must be among the sponsors of the event to get the nod of the organizing committee to use medals with your business name and marketing image on them. The medals will feature your business name on one face while the other will have the details of the event and it is great publicity to promote your business.

Selling the custom medals

Your business could take advantage of the many people who want to buy custom medals as souvenirs, for example foreign tourists and other people. It is possible to sell to them, thus generating revenue and promoting your business with the medals bearing your company’s name. The secret to succeeding in using custom medals in this way is to price them quite low so that you can move many pieces. The buyers will not feel a pinch for parting with so little for them. You can manage to have them designed and made at low prices if you buy them in bulk, and you can in turn sell them at a giveaway price. Besides the price, ensure that the custom medals bear some things that will give the buyer a reason to buy them and add them to their collection.

To reward staff

Staff who achieve something such as hitting their sales targets can be awarded custom medals to appreciate them. The medal can be displayed at the staff’s work station or at home and will promote the business to all those who see it – be they customers, family, members, or friends. Giving staff custom medals also motivates the other staff to perform well and be good ambassadors of the company, thus promoting it further.

Using influencers

The custom medal can also be used to promote your brand by using influencer marketers to sell them. The influencers command a huge following on social media and in their respective industries like music or acting and can push anything to sell massively. This way, your business is promoted, and at the same time, it gets some revenue.


Businesses can use custom medals in many ways, some of which are discussed above, to promote themselves. The best thing about custom medals is that they are a treasure and people can keep and display them for many years, thus promoting your business for a long time and giving huge returns.