What is the difference between a general MBA and Global MBA?

Due to the variety of career prospects and its relevance in the global business scene, Master of Business Administration (MBA) has won the tag of one of the most popular professional education courses. Another reason for its perpetually increasing popularity is that students, as well as working professionals, opt to pursue this programme to further their career and expand their horizons. As start-ups and entrepreneurial endeavours are dominating the business sphere, organisations are looking for qualified and highly skilled business professionals who can cater to various functionalities within the business.

In this blog, we will highlight the major differences between a general MBA and global MBA. Read on to understand which MBA programme is best suited for you and matches your professional goals.

Differences between general and global MBA

  • Class profile: The apt meaning for the prefix “global” is that a Global MBA programme promotes a diverse class profile, encouraging students to interact with individuals from different backgrounds. Most universities that offer Global MBA programmes boast of a mixed bag of students, generally belonging to different nationalities as well economic backgrounds. This allows students to instil the virtue of teamwork and collaboration early on during the course of their study. Furthermore, having a diverse class profile will help increase the credibility of the programme, proving it is, in fact, a global programme. On the other hand, a general MBA may or may not have a diverse class profile, limiting your interactions to local students. This might limit your experience in terms of acquiring a different perspective.
  • Learning environment: Apart from broad base knowledge about management functions, a Global MBA programme offers global industry exposure, while at the same time training students on the intricacies of international management practices and market conditions. This allows students to prepare for their professional journey in top organisations across the world and develop skills relevant to the modern business sphere of today. On the other hand, the focus of a general MBA is more on the fundamentals of management functions and lesser on helping students acquire requisite knowledge of global management practices and standards.
  • Career prospects: Acquiring a Global MBA degree can act as a doorway for students to pursue job options at international organisations and multinational corporations. The primary reason behind this is that a Global MBA programme trains students to fit right into a management role with top organisations, with only industry-specific skills left to learn during the on-the-job training. Furthermore, universities that offer Global MBA degrees also offer internship opportunities with global organisations that could become potential employers for students, based on their performance. That said, a general MBA degree also offers bright prospects with top organisations, however, with limited access to core skills. Acquiring a Global MBA degree can give students an edge over those who possess a general MBA qualification as they are trained on the workings of the international business setting.

The decision about which programme is a better fit lies with you. However, if you want to pursue a career wherein your skills are transferrable and applicable to the larger picture, then Global MBA could be the right way ahead. Research about the best universities that offer either general or Global MBA, tally them with your professional goals and then take the plunge. Start your quest for the best MBA programme today!