Making a Good First impression as a Business: 3 Steps

Making a good first impression in business is always crucial, but even more so if you’re a small business startup that is only just moving into a competitive market. What’s going to make consumers choose you over larger, more established brands? What’s going to make your new business memorable for consumers? These are key questions, and the answers can have a lot to do with how you make a first impression.

After all, you never get a second chance at a first impression.

As a hard-working entrepreneur, you’ll know that your product and service are of the highest quality, and you’ll always strive to give the best service possible. However, your consumers don’t know that; they might not yet know a single thing about you and your business, which is why a good first impression will always count to present the right image.

Step 1: If You’re Meeting with Potential New Clients, Do Your Research

You may need to meet with potential new consumers in your line of business instead of expecting them to land organically on your website and be the first to contact you. If you do need to meet with people and hopefully secure a business deal, research can be a huge help. You can then step into the meeting knowing a lot about who they are and what they do, which can be a positive first impression if they can see you’ve taken the time to learn more about them.

Step 2: Make Your Business Website the Best It Can Be

A new business website shouldn’t ever go live while still a work in progress. While it’s simple to make tweaks to your website down the line, you should ensure that the website you publish for the first time is a high-quality and completed one.

Your business website is likely going to be the first stop for many potential new consumers. This means a first impression can be made instantly within seconds of landing on your site. It’s essential to make that impression a good one.

Step 3: Deliver on Your Promises

First impressions may translate to the very first experience of doing business with you. This means you only have one chance of getting your very first dealing with a new client right.

To prove that you are a business that can be relied upon, always do what you say you will. If you promise a certain ETA, then always make sure it’s adhered to. If you’ve told your client everything you can make possible for them, be sure that you do.

Making a good first impression doesn’t mean trying to do absolutely everything for a new client at an impossible standard, however. It’s much better to be realistic with your promises and be able to comfortably meet them, rather than promise a new client the world and be unable to provide what you promised.

With these three steps, you can make sure you’re getting off on the right foot as a new business.