What You Should Think About Before Pursuing a Career in Teaching

Teaching can be an excellent career path for the right person, but it is a job that comes with a lot of challenges. A lot of people assume that teaching is straightforward, and perhaps is a backup plan for them if their first career choice falls through. While there is nothing wrong with teaching as your second or third choice of career, it is important to carefully consider if it will be a job that suits you, and what it is that you would like to get out of this role. So, before you pursue a career in teaching, here are some things you need to be thinking about.

What Level of Education Would You Like to Teach?

One of the first things you need to figure out is what age group you would like to teach. Would primary education be a good fit for you? Or, do you think you would thrive more as a high school teacher? Or, perhaps even teaching at a college level? While you can always change this later in your career, it’s a good idea to be honest with yourself about what level of education would be the right fit for your personality, as some people work better with younger children, and some work better with more mature students.


Another thing you need to think carefully about before you go into teaching is how much time and dedication it will take to get started. You will need to have a relevant degree to become a teacher, so be prepared to go to college and even return to your education to get the right qualifications, even if you have an undergrad degree in another subject. You might also want to get a graduate degree if you want to see better career opportunities. You can enroll in an online Master of Education degree program so you can fit your studies around your work schedule to make things easier if you’re worried about being able to balance the two.

Where Would You Like to Teach?

You might know what level of education you would like to teach, but where do you want to do this? Luckily, teaching is a career that you can do in any part of the world, and a lot of people combine their interests in travel with their teaching career and choose to work abroad. You can also look at becoming a teacher in different types of schools, some private, some public, some in more affluent areas, and some in areas that struggle with poverty. All educational establishments will come with pros and cons, but make sure you’re doing the research first so you can figure out which type of school you would be comfortable working in.

Are You Passionate About It?

Finally, possibly the most important thing to think about is if you are truly passionate about teaching. Even if it wasn’t your first choice as a career, it needs to mean more to you than just a job to pay the bills. It can be a tough job at times, and it is your passion for education and helping others that will ultimately help you get through the more challenging periods of your career. 

If you have been contemplating a career in teaching, make sure that you are considering all of the above to decide whether or not it truly is the right career path for you.