7 Ways to Use PPC Ads to Make Your Small Business Grow

Maybe you are a small business owner and you are proud of that. However, that does not mean that you are not interested in making your business grow.

So, if you want to boost your business’ revenues over the next coming years, why not use PPC?

Pay-per-click or PPC marketing is a cost-effective advertising method that has flourished on the internet over the past couple of years.

You are only paying for ads if someone clicked on it, so you do not waste your money on people who are not interested in what your business has to offer. Moreover, you get to set the rate of each click. This gives you tremendous control over your budget.

In this post, we will discuss the ways on how PPC ads can help your small business grow in the long run.

1. Targeted Campaign

Unlike what most people think, PPC is not just bringing in as many web visitors on your site. Instead, it is all about targeting people who might turn out to be excellent prospects to your products and services, while keeping their interest.

This involves the exact combination of keywords, highly targeted advertisements, search terms, and landing pages with high value.

2. Use the “Iceberg Effect”

Sometimes, the search terms that you end up paying for and the keywords that you are targeting do not always bring in the sale that you want.

We often see the “Iceberg Effect” in action, wherein various search terms that are below the surface are linked to keywords that we think are properly working in our ad campaigns. However, that will give you an unhealthy search term to keyword ratio.

If you have a discrepancy ratio of 132 search terms for one keyword, it will be difficult to boost your click-through rates and reduce the average of your cost per click.

To aim for a 1:1 ratio of search terms is to keywords, use a Single Keyword Ad Groups or SKAGs to help you gain control of the entire ad group.

When you can lower your search terms to the keyword ratio to 1:1, you can do the same from keyword to ad. As a result, you are able to boost your click-through rate. It will also improve:

  • Your quality score
  • Your impression share
  • Your average position
  • And reduce your cost per click

3. Choose your keywords

Your search ads are based on keywords. Keywords are phrases and words that users type in on search engines when looking for products, services, and other information online.

At Voy Media, we always conduct a competitive analysis in order to figure out which are the most relevant keywords for our clients’ business. You can do the same by looking at keywords and phrases you think that your competitors would use.

Another powerful tool that is likely to drive in traffic to your site is Google’s Keyword Planner.

4. Optimize for mobile devices

It was back in 2015 when mobile users have officially surpassed desktop users. Meaning, a significant portion of your audience will stumble across your ads using their mobile phones.

You can focus on this major traffic source by ensuring that your landing pages remain mobile-friendly, with a design that is responsive and intuitive. Thus, making it highly optimized for mobile users.

5. Narrowing your focus through targeting

With millions of searches happening daily, you need to utilize the proper targeting measures to look for the right audience. Specifically, people who are searching for your products and services.

You must focus your advertising tactics on areas that are highly effective in driving in conversions no matter what your goals are ‒ whether it is driving in site traffic, generating calls, or leading buyers to your physical store. As a small business, targeting is crucial.

6. Include a clear call to action

If you want your prospective customers to do something specific, then do not be shy about telling them what it is.

Often, you would come across a lot of PPC ads that have no clear call-to-action. These are useless.

All you need is an action, possibly repeated twice. That way, prospects will not have to be so confused about what to do next.

7. Monitor your results

Your PPC campaign will keep running as long as you are paying for it, but it does not mean that you will just set it up, letting it go on without checking it from time to time.

You have to monitor your results, to ensure that it is still working for you and your business. Keep a close watch on your analytics as well, so that you can improve your ads over time.

As you go on making changes, your campaigns will be more effective, driving in more results for your business.

PPC is not merely a side project. It is an important tool that you can use for your small business, but it can also be draining at the same time. So, follow these tips and be prepared to monitor, adjust, and stay up to date with trends that will do your business good in the long run.


About the Author: Kevin Urrutia is the Founder of Voy Media.