4 Key Tips for Implementing a Mass Email Campaign

Before you begin implementing email campaigns with a mass email service, take a read through these often overlooked tips

Sending mass emails sounds like an easy way to get the word out about your business’s latest promotion or newsletter. However, mass emails are trickier than most imagine, which is why we’ve amassed a list of key tips you should pay attention to as you implement your mass email campaign. Today, we’ll be going over some of the more in-depth tips that will increase your chances of conducting a successful email campaign with your mass email service. That means you’ll be learning how to compose emails that your audience will actually open. Before we get into our 4 key tips, let’s take a look at a few of the different types of emails that are usually sent as part of a mass email campaign.

What Kind of Emails are Usually Sent with a Mass Email Service?

Implementing a mass email campaign can get confusing — especially if you don’t first identify your audience

Know the major types of mass emails before you begin writing.

Before you construct your campaign using a mass email service, it is a good idea to decide which type of email campaign you intend to run. Here are the three major categories of mass emails that are commonly used.

  • Marketing

In general, marketing emails are usually sent to addresses that have already purchased a product from your business or have signed up for a mailing list. Marketing emails are often straightforward and provide updates about your business including promotions, announcements, or post-purchase questionnaires.

  • Transactional

Transactional emails are the type of emails that are sent to a customer after they have purchased something on your site. What separates transactional emails from marketing emails is transactional emails are sent only in reference to purchase details. These details can include a shipping tracker, a digital receipt, or other updates to a customer’s order.

  • Operational

Sending out operational emails is less about promoting customer engagement, and more about providing timely updates about your business. For example an operational email is often sent out to inform customers of upcoming holiday hours or other operational changes. This gives your audience a better insight into your business and can prevent future complaints. You don’t want your customer showing up to a closed storefront!

Now that we’ve gone over the main 3 types of mass marketing emails, it’s time to take a look at 5 of our tips for implementing a mass email campaign that will grow your brand.

1. Encourage Your Audience to Reply to Your Message

Your email campaign on a mass email service should include a clear call to action that prompts the recipient to respond

When you begin composing your mass email, you should make sure that the message has the right wording to encourage your reader to respond. This process starts with a powerful subject line that creates interest. A subject line is the first thing your audience will see, so it is important to make a compelling first impression.

Another way you can encourage your audience to reply to your message is a call to action. Your call to action should be clear and tell your audience exactly what you want them to do. For example, your call to action could prompt your audience to reply to your email, enter a contest, answer a survey, or provide some other type of response.

2. Focus on the Design Elements

Before you send your mass email service campaign, make sure your design elements are inviting

Keep these tips in mind while designing your next mass email.

After you’ve created your subject line and call to action, you should take a second look at your email design. Obviously, your email design should look professional and in line with your brand, but what are some lesser known ways to enhance your email design?

One of the things you can do is break up your copy into different sections for maximum readability. Readers tend to stop reading if a block of text gets too long, so try your best to break it up into easily readable chunks. You can use bullet points, lists, or other design elements to create space between your text. That way, your audience can skim your email and still pick out the most important bit of information.

3. Make it Easy to Unsubscribe From Your Mailing List

Though this may not seem like a good idea, making it easy to unsubscribe is actually advantageous

Don’t hide your unsubscribe button!

Implementing an email campaign with a mass email service is no use if your emails are getting flagged as spam. Often one of the major reasons mass emails are flagged as spam is because an audience can’t figure out how to unsubscribe. To avoid getting marked as spam, make it easy to unsubscribe from your mailing list. While ideally, you want everyone on your list to find your mass emails useful and relevant, email unsubscribes can actually have a positive impact on your strategy. Unsubscribers can improve your overall email deliverability and improve the quality of your list. After all, you want to garner more engagement — not put off current and potential customers.

4. Ensure Your Emails Look Great on Mobile

The majority of your audience will read your message from mobile

Mobile design should be a top priority for your next campaign.

These days, over half of your audience will initially encounter your mass email from a mobile device. If your message isn’t optimized for mobile, then more than 50% of your audience will receive a glitchy, disorganized looking email. Messages that are not mobile friendly are more often to get marked as spam because, well, they look like spam. So, before you send out your mass email, make sure that your emails are ready to go for all mobile devices.

Now that you’ve learned about some of the key tips for implementing your email campaign with your mass email service, it’s time to send your messages and start testing. By taking our tips into account, you can massively improve your click-through and response rates. Happy emailing!