Top 4 Mobile App Security Vulnerabilities You Need to Know About in 2020

The increasing use of mobile devices and the corresponding increase in the number of applications has led to a surge in mobile security vulnerabilities. Now, companies have to be more vigilant about the security of their mobile apps to protect both their users and their organizations.

Times when the biggest security threats used to only focus only on servers are long gone now. Attackers are now leveraging technology across all sorts of attack surfaces to target vulnerable mobile users.

Once an attacker compromises an application, they can frequently conduct large scale data breaches and launch significant attacks that could impact your customers and your organization’s integrity. Attackers can pivot from a hacked mobile app to the internal corporate network and cause extreme damage to an organization.

Here are the top 4 mobile app security vulnerabilities you need to know about:

Image Courtesy: Cypress Data Defense
Author – Aaron Cure

Aaron Cure is the Principal Security Consultant at Cypress Data Defense and an instructor and contributing author for the Dev544 Secure Coding in .NET course. 

After 10 years in the U.S. Army, I decided to switch my focus to developing security tools and performing secure code reviews, penetration testing, static source code analysis, and security research.