Why Your Teen Should Attend a Youth Conference

A church youth conference is a great place for teens to break away from their daily lives, make new friends, and learn something new. With plenty of fun activities and insightful teachings, teens not only have a blast but walk away with a new set of skills, more friends, and more insight into their life and the world around them. There are many benefits to attending one of these conferences, which include developing more self-confidence, fostering a better connection with God and your community, and simply, getting an opportunity to recharge. In this article, we break down what exactly a youth conference is, explain some of the activities that take place at a youth conference, and some of the many benefits of attending one! Keep reading to learn more.

What is a Youth Conference?

The main goal of a youth conference is to foster a sense of community, connection, and purpose among teens and their peers. Youth conferences are typically held somewhere near home or a few hours away at a nature retreat. Food, transportation, and housing are provided. There are organized lessons, team-building activities, group prayers, and more. Most importantly, a youth conference sets out to be a fun, memorable, and positive experience for teens, youth pastors, and organizers alike. 

What Happens at a Youth Conferences?

Youth conferences are jam-packed with fun activities and insightful sermons. There will be various planned activities, some of which are solely for fun and team-building, whereas others will be tied more closely to biblical themes. Either way, youth conferences are a great way for teens to break away from their daily routines and learn something new and exciting. 

Outdoor Activities

There will be plenty of time to spend outdoors, out in nature or at a recreation center. Teens will get a chance to get outside, get some movement in, and play with their friends. Organizers will typically plan out some physical activities that are fun, good for groups, and safe. No better way to get energy out and get everyone involved than with some outdoor group activities.

Creative Activities

Arts and crafts are a big part of church youth conferences. Teens should be given a creative outlet to express themselves, as this is a great brain booster and stress reliever. Most creative activities link back to lessons and sermons taught throughout the day, giving teens a physical piece of art to connect back to the lessons. 

Spiritual Activities

No youth conference is complete without some spiritual activities that relate back to the pastor’s teaching. Attendees will be given a chance to reflect and discuss sermons, themes, and prayers in order to gain a deeper understanding of them. They will be encouraged to ask questions about previous sermons, request prayers, and pick out some of their favorite bible verses. 

5 Benefits of Attending a Youth Conference

If you’re still not convinced your teen should attend a youth conference, we’ve compiled a list of five benefits of attending one. From new friendships, more interpersonal skills, and a stronger relationship with God, there are plenty of reasons your teen should attend a church youth conference.

1. New Friends

While attending a youth conference, your teen will have the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. Youth conferences are centered around a general theme, like love, trust, and forgiveness. This means all teachings and activities are tied together under the umbrella of this theme. With the team-building exercises, teens can walk away with more trust and forgiveness towards their peers and form more long-lasting friendships.

2. More Confidence

Youth conferences are great for developing new interpersonal skills. Your teen will be asked to reflect upon themselves, their peers, and the world around them. As they connect more with scripture, they will be able to build the confidence they need to be successful in life. Because youth conferences have no shortage of team-building activities, teens can develop a newfound set of leadership skills, as well. 

3. Inspiration

If nothing else, youth conferences are a great source of inspiration for teens. Whether they use it to channel their art, community service, or interpersonal skill development, youth conferences can be a motivating and inspiring experience for all age groups. Teens will be encouraged to reflect on some of the lessons they learn at the youth conference, some of which can really resonate with them. 

4. An Opportunity to Recharge

Being able to unplug from their daily routine is necessary for many teens. If they are involved with sports, extracurricular activities, or acts of service, they may be due for a nice recharge. Breaking away and having a week or two of pure fun may be exactly what your teen needs. Especially when the youth conference takes place somewhere like a nature resort, where they can be outside all day, near water or the woods. 

5. Stronger Relationship with God

Being able to connect teachings and sermons with God’s word is one of the most significant benefits of attending a youth conference. Youth conferences help break down some of the more difficult readings in the bible, relating them to real-life experiences through fun activities. The general theme ties in many bible verses and prayers, giving your teen the ability to learn how to make connections to these lessons in their daily life and as a result, improve their relationship with God. 

Conclusion – Why Your Teen Should Attend a Youth Conference

Youth conferences are a great opportunity for teens to learn something new, form lifelong friendships, and connect with God’s word. There are plenty of fun, educational activities in-store for your teen and their friends. But most importantly, your teen can walk away with more leadership skills, confidence, and inspiration than ever before. They can learn more about their favorite bible verses in a way that is fun, exciting, and insightful. There are many reasons why teens should attend at least one youth conference in their life. Let their improved relationship with themselves, their peers, their community, and God show you why.