Comments for Teens Mean Business Empowering Young Entrepreneurs Sat, 09 Sep 2023 13:40:55 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on How to Use Email Marketing for Small Businesses by Veronica Kovach Mon, 29 Jun 2020 00:50:35 +0000 As someone still new and unsure in this industry, it’s good to learn about something so simple yet as effective as business marketing!

Comment on How to Use Email Marketing for Small Businesses by Sydney Ruble Fri, 26 Jun 2020 21:19:54 +0000 Thank you for the tips! As a business women I am always looking for new ways to improve different aspects of my company. Appreciate the advice.

Comment on How to Use Email Marketing for Small Businesses by Randy Fri, 26 Jun 2020 16:29:19 +0000 These tips were really helpful and I will definitely implement them in my email marketing strategies going forwards. Thanks for writing!

Comment on How to Use Email Marketing for Small Businesses by Dera Tue, 23 Jun 2020 01:07:05 +0000 Thank you for these tips, they’ve been really helpful. I feel more confident about using emails as a tool!

Comment on The Positive Impacts Technology Has Had On Our Children by Liam Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:44:27 +0000 Great post! I agree with you, some people might think technology brings a negative impact to our children but technology really helps our children a lot in so many ways.

Comment on 44 Best Freelancing Websites for Beginners in 2023 by CareerCliff Thu, 08 Aug 2019 19:39:27 +0000 This is a very informative article with so many useful information for the readers. It will help many to build their career development through outsourcing. Thank you for contributing this.

Comment on How to Use Email Marketing for Small Businesses by Nexus Dsouza Mon, 15 Jul 2019 10:08:57 +0000 Hey Ash, The above written blog is really exciting one. You have said right that, Now a days, for getting the traffic in any page it is important to work in social media but it is more important to be connected with email. Also in today’s generation 90% of people are using the email. This blog is really useful for business.

Comment on 6 Reasons Your Small Business Needs a Freelance Writer by Vijay Nagar Sat, 06 Oct 2018 11:34:02 +0000 Agree with your article, good to read.
Shared valuable information.

Comment on Essential Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs by Chloe @ Indigo Wilderness Fri, 29 Jun 2018 20:13:18 +0000 Very wise to mention looking after your own health in this – something that can be so overlooked but has a fantastic knock on effect in all aspects. Thank you for linking up with #BestBootForward

Comment on Essential Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs by Kate Thu, 28 Jun 2018 12:09:19 +0000 Hard work is not the key – I made that mistake for years. Time out helps so much and self-care too. Always was very cynical about the need for most meetings so got that one right at least! Thanks hugely for linking up with #BestBootForward

Comment on Essential Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs by Mummy here and there Thu, 28 Jun 2018 09:36:47 +0000 Fantastic tips to help you get motivated for the day X #putyourbestfootforward

Comment on Accountant vs Bookkeeper: What’s the Difference? by Ivy Baker Thu, 17 May 2018 01:51:03 +0000 This is some really good information about the difference between accountants and bookkeepers. I liked that you explained that a bookkeeper will maintain and balance accounts ledgers. It is also good to know that an accountant will help with analyzing your finances. That does seem like a good thing to know when you are running a business.

Comment on How to Write Email Subject Lines for Business by Sarah Wed, 28 Mar 2018 16:17:38 +0000 It took me a long time to figure out the most effective way to write an email. All of these tips are things I learned after making a bunch of mistakes!

Comment on How to Write Email Subject Lines for Business by Sarah Thu, 01 Mar 2018 17:19:45 +0000 I found this really helpful! I’m definitely going to focus more on my subject lines now

Comment on How to Start Investing as a Teenager by ovaislak Fri, 16 Feb 2018 17:18:41 +0000 Thanks For This john-andrew

Comment on How to Write Email Subject Lines for Business by KJ Wed, 14 Feb 2018 15:19:48 +0000 I’ve definitely struggled with writing email subject lines most of my life. I will definitely keep these tips close at hand.

Comment on How to Write Email Subject Lines for Business by Kayla Mon, 12 Feb 2018 20:49:52 +0000 I find that the most relevant subject lines also help me stay organized so that I can find them later! These tips are great! Thank you

Comment on How to Write Email Subject Lines for Business by Jenny Z Thu, 08 Feb 2018 02:32:54 +0000 Thanks for the tips! Really useful for me as a business student

Comment on How to Write Email Subject Lines for Business by Arianna Wed, 07 Feb 2018 15:30:47 +0000 This was super informative and helpful when I was entering college and needed advice on small professional tips and things.

Comment on 7 Marketing Basics SMEs Need to Remember by David Astley Tue, 12 Dec 2017 18:58:31 +0000 Your article contains some good advice for small businesses – especially the point about having a website to back up social media activity. Facebook is an easy platform to keep current but it’s terrible for archiving information about the business. By making blog or news posts on the business’ website the source of Facebook posts (meaning you share to Facebook rather than creating them on Facebook) the posts can be easily indexed on the business’ website and thus read by customers for a long time after they have been created. There is no way to index old posts on Facebook.
