Are You Making the Most Out of Your Mass Email Campaigns?

Email Marketing is Both an Art and a Science — Here’s How You Can Harness Both Elements to Launch a Successful Campaign

When building a digital marketing strategy, there are a number of factors that you need to keep in mind. From the type of mass email software you use to what brand strategy you employ, all of these elements are connected together in their shared mission to help your company increase its brand awareness, find new customers, and strengthen your relationship with existing ones. 

While email marketing is just one piece of the puzzle, it plays a critical role in your overall digital marketing strategy. In this blog post, we’ll give you a quick, but thorough, rundown of everything you need to know about email marketing, including: 

  • Why you still need to pay attention to your email marketing
  • Different types of mass emails you can send
  • How to successfully launch a mass email campaign
  • Best practices for mass emailing 

You will quickly find that email marketing is here to stay. Your digital marketing strategy wouldn’t be complete without it. Need help coming up with an effective email marketing campaign? We’ve got you covered. Check out our expert tips and tricks to email marketing now!

Why Email Marketing is Here to Stay

Social media sites like Instagram and Facebook do make an impact on your digital marketing strategy. But this doesn’t mean that email marketing is dead. 

To the untrained eye, it seems that social media marketing is continuing to grow and flourish while email marketing is on the verge of getting the boot. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Social media is just one part of your overall digital strategy. If companies want to acquire new customers while retaining existing ones, they need to invest their time and money in email marketing. The ROI for mass email campaigns is significantly higher than that of social media campaigns. In fact, it can reach as high as 4,400%. This translates into a $44 return for every dollar spent on the campaign. 

Different Types of Email Campaigns and Mass Messages You Can Send

There are many different types of emails companies can send. We’ll cover everything from drip campaigns to welcome newsletters. 

Most emails can be sorted into four categories:

  1. Newsletters
  2. Acquisition 
  3. Retention
  4. Promotion


Most small businesses send newsletters to subscribers at least once a month. In these short emails, a company may announce upcoming events, new blog articles, products, and more. Newsletters are great for strengthening customer relationships. 


Acquisition emails are geared toward people who have subscribed to a company’s mass email service but haven’t made an actual purchase yet. A company might send a special welcome offer or deal to encourage viewers to convert into loyal customers. 


Staying in touch is hard. That’s why companies will sometimes send retention emails to people who have not interacted with their messages in a while. This can help them retain loyal customers and keep them at the forefront of their minds. 


Promo emails are perfect for spreading the word about a new product or upcoming sale. Companies can send promos to drive sales and reward loyal customers with enticing deals. 

Tips for Successfully Launching Your Email Campaign

Everything from the timing of the email to its contents plays a significant role in the success of your email campaigns. 

Before doing anything else, you need to set up a mass email system. You aren’t going to be able to send bulk emails to all 1,000+ subscribers through a regular Gmail account. Luckily, there are a number of great email marketing platforms that you can use. Most will let you manage your subscriber list, upcoming emails, and analytics all in one place.

You will also want to determine the primary goal of your email. Do you want to update your customers on the latest sales and deals? Do you have a new product that you want to feature? Asking yourself will help you tailor your strategy and content accordingly. After you launch your campaign, you will want to keep an eye on analytics like the open and click-through rates. 

Email Marketing Best Practices

Need some help with your mass email campaign? We’ve got you covered. Check out our full list of email marketing best practices now. 

As social media apps like Facebook and Instagram continue to change their algorithms and product features, we can rest assured knowing that mass emailing as we know it will stay the same — at least for the time being. When you start planning and strategizing your upcoming campaigns, it always helps to review and study best practices. Remember, you are competing with dozens of other emails in an inbox. You will want to make sure yours stands out from the rest. 

These tried and trued email marketing best practices are sure to help lead you to success:

  • Capture people’s attention with an exciting email subject line
  • Use imagery and graphics to help establish your brand identity while enhancing the content of your email
  • Remember to perform A/B testing to see what type of emails resonate best with your audience
  • Send a test email before sending out an official one to your subscribers
  • Keep track of analytics to see which emails are performing best
  • Follow a consistent email schedule to help improve your click-through rate
  • Don’t forget to add a call-to-action to your email

Final Thoughts

When done correctly, mass emailing can produce a high ROI for your business. Managing a successful email campaign involves a lot of moving parts and players. Not only do you have to keep up with new emailing best practices, but you also need to keep up with the needs and interests of your audience. Keeping up with all of this can feel exhausting, but it’s worth it in the end.

What email marketing campaigns do you plan on launching in 2021? Let us know!